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Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are minor surgical procedures that allow us to remove a tooth from the jaw.

When are tooth extractions necessary?

We always aim to save natural teeth where possible, but often the damage is too severe, or there’s severe overcrowding, and a tooth needs to be removed.

Tooth removals are most common when a tooth is beyond repair, but there are other instances where it may be the best option, such as:

  • Decay or cavities that cannot be fixed with a filling or crown
  • A chipped or fractured tooth
  • Overcrowding
  • Gum disease
  • Wisdom teeth removal

Why are wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom tooth extraction is common for many young adults and adolescents. There are several reasons that they need to be removed, including:

  • Overcrowding - you have too many teeth in your mouth
  • Impacted - the wisdom teeth have not grown normally or are trapped
  • Disease - you are unable to clean your wisdom teeth properly and have developed gum disease or cavities

The process of removing wisdom teeth is quick and pain-free, thanks to our use of conscious sedation.

What happens during a tooth extraction?

Prior to the procedure, our expert team will work to establish the best course of action for removing the tooth. Then, we will thoroughly examine the tooth and surrounding gums and take digital X-rays to assess the jaw and positioning.

During the procedure, we numb the area using local anaesthesia. We want this process to be as pain-free as possible and will do our best to ensure you are comfortable throughout. Depending on the extent of the damage, we will gently loosen the tooth and remove it from the socket or make incisions to extract all the pieces. When a damaged tooth is no longer intact, it requires more precision during removal.

Once removed, the area is cleaned, and the gum is stitched back together. The practitioner will place a piece of gauze over the extraction site and ask you to bite down so a clot can form. This is crucial for the healing of the extraction.

How can I care for my tooth extraction?

The practitioner will provide you with a detailed guide of care instructions after your extraction procedure. The most essential things to note, however, are keeping the area clean and resting.

Our practitioners can prescribe the necessary medication to manage pain and prevent infection. You will need to take this medication as directed and avoid hard and crunchy foods for the first few days.