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Veneers are a popular cosmetic solution for misshapen, discoloured or damaged teeth. They are shell-shaped caps that fit onto the front of individual teeth and can be made to your requirements.

What conditions do veneers fix?

Consider veneers like getting a facelift for your teeth while maintaining their health and function. You may consider getting veneers if you:

  • Have discoloured or stained teeth
  • Have short or misshapen teeth
  • Have gaps between your teeth
  • Have chipped or cracked teeth

We perform comprehensive assessments for all patients before advising on treatment plans. If you are considering veneers, contact us for an appointment, and we will establish the best course of action for your case.

What are veneers made from?

Veneers can be made from resin composite or porcelain. We create your veneers onsite in our dental laboratory using advanced 3D modelling technology. This avoids the need for multiple visits and ensures that your veneers are tailored to your specific needs.

What is the process for receiving veneers?

We first need to establish that veneers are the best treatment for your case. Often, veneers are part of smile makeovers as they bring new life to your existing teeth. It is common to receive veneers on the front teeth as they are most visible, and you can have one or many teeth fitted with veneers. However, the amount you need will depend on your case.

We start by preparing the receiving teeth with shaping. Your enamel needs to be filed down for the veneers to fit. Next, we use digital scans to create a 3D model of your teeth that will be used for the veneers.

The veneers are made in our dental laboratory and fitted in the same appointment. We assess how the shells fit your teeth before cementing them in place.